City of Desloge

Desloge Water Works

Here you can find helpful information about the city's public drinking water system.  If you have any questions please contact city hall at 573-431-3700, or [email]

Annual Water Quality Reports


The following are the metered monthly charges for water service furnished by the Desloge Waterworks system: 

0 gallons minimum - charge based on meter size (see Table below).

From 1 gallon up - $5.77 per one thousand gallons.

Billing Information & Important Dates

The City of Desloge bills monthly for services.

15th—Due Date

16th—Penalty Added (3% of balance)

20th-21st—Read Meters

21st - Payments not received by this date are subject to disconnect. 

25th—Bills Mailed

FOR EXAMPLE:  Water service usage from May 22–June 21 will be billed on June 25 & due on July 15.  If payment has not been received by 3:00 PM on July 16, a penalty of 3% of the balance due will be added.  If payment has not been received BEFORE July 21, water services will be disconnected on or after July 21.

Failure to receive your bill does NOT relieve your responsibility to pay your bill on time.

Delinquent Accounts

If payment has not been received BEFORE the 21st, water services are subject to disconnection and a $50 reconnect fee. To restore water services payment of the entire balance on the account, in addition to the $50 reconnect fee (during working hours), must be paid in full. An additional $30 after hours reconnect fee may be accessed when dealing with an issue of neglect to pay payments on time. 

No delinquent notice will be mailed.

Monthly Minimum Charge Table
Size of MeterMinimum Charge
5/8 or 3/4 inch$12.50
1 inch$22.50
1 1/2 inch$37.50
2 inch$75.00
3 inch$150.00
4 inch$250.00
6 inch$718.75

Desloge Waterworks water hardness is approximately 17 gpg (grains per gallon).

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact Desloge City Hall at 431-3700 (8am-430pm), Water Department building at 573-327-9962 (7am-330pm) .  Any after hours problems, please contact St. Francois County Central Dispatch at 431-3131.